Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Wise King Latinus

As I was reading selected chapters in the "Aeneid" by Virgil, I was struck by the choice that a certain King, Latinus made, with regards to his own history and the future of his people. When Aeneid and his men landed up the shores of Italy near the mouth of the Tiber river and the kingdom of Latium, he receives a sign from the gods that this is the place where he and his men are to settle. Latinus, the King of Latinum, also receives an indication from the gods, when he is told that his daughter is to marry a foreigner. Thus, when Aeneas comes before him, he makes, in my opinion, one of the best choices as King of the people. He chooses to greet Aeneas as if he were a welcome friend, give him his daughter to marry and allow him and his people to settle. These are the words he greets Aeneas with: "May the gods give their blessing to what we begin today and to their own prophecies! You will receive what you ask, Trojan, and I do not refuse your gifts. While Latinus is king, you will have rich land to farm and you will never feel the lack of the wealth of Troy." He then offers his daughter in marriage and shows this by sending a gift to Aeneas: one of his best chariots and horses. I was impressed with this passage because of the faith that this man had in the fates, or in other words, the gods. He accepted these foreigners, not only into his kingdom, but into his family, without even knowing them or taking the time to build a trust with them, simply because he had been told to do so. If only we could all have the faith and conviction of this man when we are told to do something!

1 comment:

  1. What a great entry! If only we did half the faith as King Latium. He is a great example of someone who possess xenia ( guest-host). From the way King Latium is talked about in the book, he really is someone who courageously and undoubtedly accepts even those most unfamiliar.
