Wednesday, July 25, 2012

I support President Bateman's Decision

On Nov. 14, 1997, Merrill J. Bateman, President of BYU Provo, issued a statement explaining why BYU had excluded 4 statues from the Rhodin art exhibit in the Museum of Art and apologizing for the delayed response, which should have come a few months earlier. I wholeheartedly support that decision and here are my reasons why:
-First and foremost: The nude statues were not appropriate for this or any other art exhibit. One statue showed a male "in the act of self-gratification" and the others brought similar distracting thoughts and obscenities to mind. Many in the world may have lowered their moral standards to almost nothing, but just because they have does not mean that God has or ever will. I stand by that
-#2: BYU and the art museum carry the name of the Savior's church and they would do well to try and represent him in every way possible.
-#3: The majority of individuals who frequent the art museum include families and often young children in the community. Although it may be appropriate for students to study such material under certain guidelines and contexts, it is not appropriate to parade such a thing around for the public eye to see.
-#4: The sculptures had nothing to do with the main theme of the exhibit (Rhodon's handiwork) and their absence did not detract at all from it.


  1. Good, straightforward post. Personally, I am a huge fan of art museums and have never been bothered by a sculpture or painting, but this decision was a good displays of the school's dedication to the morals it stands on.

  2. Like Brian said, I am glad that school was able to keep its morals while still displaying good pieces of art. The nudity and sexuality of "The Kiss" isn't really appropriate for the children and families that frequent the museum.

  3. Great thoughts! I think your last comment made a good point, the absence of "The Kiss" did not detract from the exhibit.

  4. I was impressed at the strength of your post. You really cut straight to the chase with your supporting ideas and arguments. Your post shows true convictions to the Church. THis Country was founded on Religious Freedom and so I agree whole heartedly that the Church and it's institutions have every right to decide what they will and will not present. Nice post.

  5. I enjoyed your points until I got to #4. I have to disagree on that one, how does one of his most famous works NOT fall under the theme of Rodin's handiwork.... it was one of his 2 BEST handiworks. And while I do agree with your first argument, about how the statue with the man in the act of self gratification was completely inappropriate, that one wasn't the statue in question for the assignment, so it doesn't help the argument. But other than that some good points.
