Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Epithets - How would Homer describe me?

An Epithet is a descriptive term that often accompanies a name. Many examples can be found in Greek literature such as Homer's Iliad. My task is to consider how I can be described using epithets.

John The Piano Man
-This one is really simple: I am a piano performance major and I play a lot of piano. I perform, I accompany, I play for the BYU Men's Chorus, I have even accompanied BYU ballet classes.

The Shumway Family Man
-I come from a family of 10 and my parents and 7 siblings mean everything to me. I am now married to my wife, Allison, the love of my life and we are starting a family of our own. She means everything to me and everything I do is so that we and our family can be happy.

Joao, Rapaz Brasileiro
-"Rapaz", in Portuguese, means young man and that is what my friends in Brazil often call me. Joao is John in Portuguese. I served my mission in Sao Paulo and have been back since then with my wife to visit friends there and see some other parts of Brazil, including Rio de Janeiro. We love it there and it has become a second home. I suggest this name for myself, though, because many Brazilians have told me that they often forget that I am American because of how naturally I seem to speak the language and fit into the Brazilian lifestyle.

John, Latter-Day Saint
-A saint is described as a "holy person", someone who serves God. Above all else in my life, this is the most important to me: my service to God. Of equal importance is the way my family serves God and comes closer to Him as a family unit. This is the plan that God has for each of us: that we serve Him in this life and make a habit of it. This is how we can be happy in the eternities.

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